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Rawstraw, one of Sweden's hottest foodtech innovators


This week, Breakit released their survey of Sweden's hottest foodtech companies - and Rawstraw is of course on the list! In the mapping, you can read about the company's valuation, business model and ownership structure, as well as learn more about other cool companies that are changing the food industry.

We are honored to be included in the article and see it as a great confirmation that what we do is meaningful. Since the start, Rawstraw's goal has been to replace all unsustainable plastic and paper straws. Slowly but surely we are completing this goal, and it is thanks to all of you who have followed and supported us that this is possible.

As we continue our long – and sometimes tough – journey towards eradicating unsustainable single-use products, it's moments like these that give us extra drive and remind us that we are a part of something bigger. 2023 is filled with exciting news from our side and we can honestly say that you haven't seen the half of it yet. New products will be launched, Rawstraw aims to grow, and we will continue to prove to you that our name belongs on the map of Sweden's hottest foodtech companies.

Text: Josephine Daly Tempelaar

Photo: BreakIt



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